Genealogy at
Tracing your ancestors’ story can help you understand your own. Explore your heritage with genealogy tutorials, database recommendations, surname meanings, search strategies, and ancestry charts. is a source for family history buffs to find genealogical research originally posted in GenForum and our most popular genealogy articles. Start a search or browse below to start digging into your family’s past!
Family Search – Church of Latter Day Saints
Archives has been helping people discover their family history since July 2009, with the aim of making research quick and easy. Our intuitive approach to genealogy means that you’re never far from getting the information you need. We keep our search tools simple, but behind the scenes, our extensive record collections are paired with powerful technology to deliver valuable results to you.
The UK and Ireland Genealogical Information Service (GENUKI)
GENUKI provides a virtual reference library of genealogical information of particular relevance to the UK and Ireland. It is a non-commercial service, maintained by a charitable trust and a group of volunteers.
DNA Tools
Useful tools and resources for genetic genealogy.
The Genetic Genealogist
The Genetic Genealogist examines the intersection of traditional genealogical techniques and modern genetic research. The blog also explores the latest news and developments in the related field of personal genomics.
Cyndi’s List
Cyndi’s List has been a trusted genealogy research site for more than 20 years. Cyndi’s List is free for everyone to use and it is meant to be your starting point when researching online.
- What exactly is Cyndi’s List?
- A categorized & cross-referenced index to genealogical resources on the Internet.
- A list of links that point you to genealogical research sites online.
- A free jumping-off point for you to use in your online research.
- A “card catalog” to the genealogical collection in the immense library that is the Internet.
- Your genealogical research portal onto the Internet.
Genealogy Gateway to the Web
Hugh Armstrong’s Genealogy Site
US Gen Web Project
Many of our county sites have been housed on Rootsweb for many years. Our sites were taken down while Rootsweb works on issues in their system. If you are unable to locate a site via any previous bookmark, please locate the state from either our drop down menu or the linked U.S. map below, then navigate to the county using that state’s counties information.