Index to New Brunswick Land Records, 1845-1997
This index contains information on more than 54,000 individuals and corporate bodies who acquired Crown land between 1784 and 1997. These documents list the distribution of Crown land and the names of the grantees. The grantee receives a legal document authorizing possession of the land.
Nova Scotia Land Papers, 1765-1800
This is a searchable database for petitions made to government by individuals or groups of people seeking grants of Crown Land for settlement purposes in early Nova Scotia. The database contains 11,464 names, and will link from the petitioner’s name to the fully digitized document file created for that particular land grant — 1890 files, containing 9259 image scans. If you’re searching for online information about early land settlement in Nova Scotia, you’ve come to the right place!
Cape Breton Island Petitions, 1787-1843
This is a searchable database for early petitions (often called ‘Memorials’) made to government by individuals or groups of people seeking grants of Crown Land for settlement purposes in Cape Breton Island, 1787-1843.
Cape Breton Island was a separate colony from 1784 to 1820, and then was joined again to Nova Scotia for administrative purposes. Consequently, managing its early records was sometimes a challenge for the governments of the time.
Library and Archives Canada Land Records
Before Confederation in 1867, Canada consisted of several British colonies: Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and the Canadas (present-day Quebec and Ontario).
The British North America Act of 1867 established Crown Lands as a provincial responsibility. Only land petitions for Upper and Lower Canada (Ontario and Quebec) were retained by the Government of Canada.
With the acquisition of Rupert’s Land in 1869, western lands came under federal control. In 1930, responsibility for Crown Lands was transferred to the provincial governments of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. The federal government retained a copy of the original patents issued for these lands. The actual homestead applications and files relating to the grants were transferred to the provincial archives.
County of Ontario Atlas and Maps
The County Atlas Digital Project is a searchable database of the property owners’ names which appear on the township maps in the county atlases. Township maps, portraits and properties have been scanned, with links from the property owners’ names in the database.
Ontario Locator
A listing of Ontario [Canada] place names (past & present).